No See Ums in the House: Tips to Oust Them and Sleep in Peace

Are you struggling to deal with no see ums in the house?
You don’t have to suffer.
Now is your time to put up a fight and evict them.
In this article, I talk about why you have no see ums in the house and what you can do about the situation.
Why You Have No See Ums in the House
You may have no see ums in the house because you’re close in proximity to a breeding site. While male no see ums typically remain close to their emergence site after maturing from the larval stage, female biting midges tend to travel some kilometers away in search of a blood meal.
For example, Culicoides mississippiensis (a genus of biting midges) may travel more than 3 kilometers in the span of 24 hours. This is without being aided by the wind.
When these wandering females are supported by the wind, they may travel even greater distances.
If you live close to mangroves and areas where water is collected and remains stagnant, this may be the case. While female biting midges typically travel for meals, if they are close to a source, there’s no need to venture off.
They will then invade your home to feed on you.
What You Can Do About No See Ums in the House
Many programs implemented to curtail no see ums have been met with challenges. This is because of several factors.
For one, it’s difficult to ascertain where no see ums are breeding, especially since their habitat is large. Also, no see ums tend to breed in sensitive areas. These areas often serve as habitats for other life forms, that might be harmed once insecticides are introduced.
Furthermore, adult biting midges are mobile and can travel across vast territories with wind carriage. All these factors hinder what can be done to treat an infestation.
However, when you’re dealing with no see ums in the house, the playing field changes. While you can implement factors to create an almost no see um-free home, there’s the possibility that they will continue to stream indoors, because of the presence of a breeding site.
Since biting midges are overall difficult insects to get a hold of, what can you do about no see ums in the house?
Consider at least 6 important tips.
Consider Your Location
If you reside in a no see um zone, you have a lot of work to do. This is because your efforts to control the problem could go in vain if the source isn’t identified.
If you live close to a breeding zone, you’ll have adult biting midges flocking to your house like clockwork.
Do you live close to marsh areas or shallow bodies of water where no see ums can thrive? Stagnant water is a no see um’s best friend, so if you have large bodies of water that don’t flow, these are problematic.
There isn’t much you probably can do to manipulate the habitats of no see ums, other than remove or dry up small bodies of water and moistened debris and shaded areas in and around your home.
If you do have access to fogging equipment and you’re allowed to use such in your area, this could provide temporary relief. Fogging is a long-term effort, which could turn out to be expensive.
Since you aren’t able to do much outdoors, let’s consider what can be done indoors.
Consider Using Chemical Control
You are limited in the type of chemicals you can use indoors, but success is possible. Since you’re already co-habiting with no see ums, your first line of defense is to evict them.
If you’re someone who’s not against using chemicals, an aerosol spray designed for flying insects can be used to kill and drive no see ums out the door.
Flying insect spray options include:
- Raid Flying Insect Killer
- Hot Shot 66310-1 AC1686 Flying Insect Killer Aerosol
- Ortho Home Defense Flying Insect Killer
- Black Flag Flying Insect Killer Aerosol Spray
Some aerosols are also made using plant-based extracts like essential oils. These carry less toxicity and oftensmell better. Two common options include:
When using aerosols to kill and oust no see ums in the house, it’s always best to spray the entire home. This is because no see ums can travel from one room to the next. Sealing all windows and doors to kill as many as possible is important.
Note, this process is dangerous, especially when working with chemicals. Using a chemical and particulate respirator for this process helps to protect you while you spray the entire house. This tool isn’t cheap, but it costs less in comparison to hiring a pest control company for a problem that will likely be recurrent.
Before you begin spraying the area, your respirator should be on, and everyone (including animals) should be outdoors. After you’re done spraying, doors and windows should be closed, and you should leave.
You and your family might have to stay outdoors for about 30 minutes to an hour to allow the aroma to dissipate (Wait time might be lower. Ensure to read the product’s labelling).
If only a particular room is infested with no see ums, you don’t have to vacate everyone. Keep them in a separate area with the doors closed.
No See Um Proof Your Home
No see ums can invade your home through the smallest cracks, as they are miniscule insects. If you typically leave your windows open, start closing them.
You may also reduce no see ums in the house by installing mesh and screens specifically designed to keep no see ums out. (Some mosquito screens and meshes may not be ideal for no see ums.)
Fiberglass screens seem to work for many homeowners. An option to consider is Phifer, as this brand makes screens that prevent no see ums from streaming indoors.
Diffuse Repellents Throughout the House
Essential oils are plant-based extracts with powerful compounds that contain insect repellent properties. If you’ve ever used a citronella or lemon-eucalyptus candle, you’ve experienced the power of essential oils.
Rather than buy repellent candles, a great option is to diffuse essential oils throughout your home to repel no see ums.
If you and your family frequently congregate in the living room and are subjected to countless savage bites, this could be an option worth exploring.
However, if you’re looking to diffuse throughout the entire house, you will need several diffusers and a lot of essential oils.
Some diffusers are costly, while others are inexpensive to acquire. The prices of essential oils also vary, but the ones with insect repelling properties are relatively cheap to acquire.
Essential oils that may repel no see ums include:
- Bog myrtle
- Lemongrass
- Eucalyptus
- Cypress
- Lavender
- Thyme
If you deal with other insects at home, consider looking at a recent post published about essential oils bugs hate.
Sleep Underneath a Bed Net
With no see ums in the house, it’s likely difficult for you to sleep at night. Have you ever considered sleeping beneath a bed net?
This could protect you from being bitten while you snooze. Also, if you live in a state or country where plenty of insects and bugs, including scorpions, come out at night to play, a bed net could save you from nasty bites.
CO2 Traps
No see ums are attracted to CO2.
Using a CO2 trap indoors and outdoors to lure and trap no see ums may help to reduce their numbers significantly (some traps are designed for indoors, while others for outdoor use).
While these traps are good options to consider, they aren’t without faults. Consider learning more about what they offer and a few disadvantages (there are ways to work around these, by the way).
No See Ums in the House, Conclusion
There’s no guaranteed way to deal with no see ums in the house. No see ums are relentless, difficult to see and catch, and highly elusive.
In some cases, you may have to try a few suggestions together to determine what works for you and your family. What works will largely depend on your present no see um situation and location.
Encyclopedia of Entomology 2nd Edition – John L. Capinera (Editor), University of Florida
Ughh.. HELP!! I’m getting eaten alive in my OWN bedroom by something small, a lightish brown or white in color. Looks like no- see-umn’s. Is that even possible?
I have no see ums in my house and they only attack me not my wife. There is just us two in our apartment. Where do no see ums go when they are not active? Do they land on the carpet? I vacuum every other day, and finally got rid of fleas we had. We have no dog, the neighbor upstairs who did, moved out last summer and they replaced all her carpet and carpet pad. I suspect the fleas came down here. Anyway, I just ordered a Co2 indoor trap. We have been using and indoor bug light to no avail against no see ums. I for one, am VERY tired of these bugs, they make my life a living hell. I have to shower before bed every night to get all the bugs off me before climbing into bed!! My wife is not bothered by them at all and says I am just making it up. I then show her all my bug bites and ask “where do these come from then?” Sheesh.
Oh my gosh!! This is verbatim what happened with me and my husband, but just wait. Eventually they’ll start biting your wife, we live in an apartment and have no animals either. The best thing I can suggest is just take frequent showers, wash your clothes/sheets often, wear lose clothing, and I use Cutter insect repellent on my body and bed. Also, they love body hair so its bad enough you want to shave your leg hair then i’d highly suggest doing so, it helps tremendously. There’s really no way to get rid of them completely-you just have to keep them from getting in your home from what I’ve read and dealt with. Make sure you’re cleaning often, keep the dishes washed, keep windows closed, and if you can fog your home. I’m sorry you too are dealing with this, best of wishes!
Hi Samantha, I am bugging-out! Need help with some writing. Anjell
The Bug Agenda
Hello, Anjell.
Samantha will reach out to you.
Cathy Moloney
I live in FL in a historic bungalow which is 101 years old. I have an opening where the water from my kitchen sink comes out of me home and looks like a waterfall, thus damp and moldy boards and no sun reaches the area.
I went to the ER 6 weeks ago after being swarmed from head to toe.
Im miserable and try to get rid of them myself because in FL, no pest control company can guarantee to get rid of them.
I can’t afford a plumber or to change out the boards due to an unexpected health which ended up costing me a lot of money.
Is there anyone out there who has taken care of No-see-ums themselves.
I am insanity itchy and can’t sleep.
I am desperate for some ideas as to how to get rid of them.
John Muller
I have had them in my apartment for a few weeks. I only discovered what they look like when one landed on my hand. It really wasn’t like a fly landing, it just appeared, a tiny black speck. I didn’t realize yet what it was so I flicked it away. Then I saw two more black specks appear out of nowhere. They landed where the first one had landed. I didn’t think too much of it, but 10 minutes later I had a large sore on my arm when they had been. It was the strangest thing. Anyway, the soseeums I have are black and very small.