How Long Do No See Ums Live? (Includes Information on Non-Biting Midges)

Note: No see ums are referred to as biting midges. Throughout the article, we talk about how long both biting and non-biting midges live.
Regardless of the species, midges are a nuisance. Concerning no see ums (Ceratopogonidae), people and cattle may suffer from painful, itchy, and annoying sores. With non-biting midges (Chironomidae), air and water filtration systems may become clogged and contaminated, which can be just as irritating as biting midges.
Some people may thus naturally seek a rapid and efficient way to remove them by using various methods, including fogging and CO2 traps. It’s no secret that no see ums comes out in hordes when feeding. As they’re so abundant, many people, like you, often ask, “how long do no see ums live?”
Consider some of the factors that might influence how long no see ums and non-biting midges live.
Factors Influencing the Lifespan of No See Ums
The answer is not as simple as one may believe. After all, no see ums and non-biting midges belong to very complex fly families, with around 5,600 and 10,000 species, correspondingly.
Aside from species, a number of additional variables determine how long no see ums live. Temperatures, moisture, and sunlight all play a big role in how long these flies live.
1. Temperature
Most midge species flourish in warmer settings, with the warmth quickening their metabolisms and, as a consequence, faster total completion of their lifecycle. In colder climates, such as Scotland, where midges are also common, lifespans may be lengthened by much more than 9 months owing to slower development.
It is not uncommon for midges to suspend development due to cold weather or a change in season. This is called overwintering. Midge eggs and larvae survive frozen conditions, only to progress into pupation once it gets warmer.
Midges often cease growth owing to cold weather or a change in season. This is referred to as overwintering. Midge eggs and larvae withstand freezing temperatures, only to pupate once it warms up.
Temperature is such a big component that its influence may be seen throughout a specific geographical region. To demonstrate, Chironomus anthracinus, a non-biting midge found in Denmark, was shown to grow at varying rates based on which area of the lake it was found in. Those who inhabited the lower, warmer areas of the lake surfaced in half the time it took those who resided in the deeper, colder parts.
2. Other Environmental Factors
Temperature not only affects how long no see ums and non-biting midges survive by regulating their metabolism, but humidity and sunshine may also have a significant influence on the sources of nourishment accessible to midges.
Some algae, for instance, will only grow when the temperature is just perfect and there is enough sunlight. Similarly, most fungi need a specific amount of warmth and humidity to develop. The apparent lack of all such food sources may have an impact on midge formation, development, and maturity.
3. Natural Predators
It is fairly uncommon for midge larvae, particularly biting midges, or no see ums, to feast on algae and nematodes. Even bigger bugs and arachnids like birds and fish rely on these larvae as their primary food supply.
Because of the presence of these predators, a region’s midge population has a shorter lifetime on average.
How Long Do No See Ums Live?
While there is no final answer to this issue owing to the reasons stated above, there are some rough time estimates for each step of these insects’ lives that you may refer to.
The midge’s full lifetime may be completed in as little as a few weeks during the warmer months under perfect outdoor circumstances.
Midges lay eggs in 2-10 days, making the initial stage of their life cycle very brief.
The larval stage, which consists of four phases, or instars, is the next step in the process of their life. The larval period lasts the longest, at roughly 14 days, since it contains the majority of their development.
Again, this is based on perfect weather and circumstances. Because this period is also the most susceptible to change owing to environmental circumstances, it has been reported in certain instances to last as long as 9 months or even a year. Because of the existence of predators, the average lifespan of a region’s midge population is reduced.
Midges then go through a three-day pupal stage before resurfacing. They become adults within hours after emerging. No see ums and non-biting midges have somewhat different adult lifespans.
Mature chironomids have little time for anything other than mating and egg production since their last stage of life lasts just 3-5 days. No see ums, on the other hand, may survive for 2-7 weeks if circumstances are favorable.
How Long Do No See Ums Live Indoors?
So far, this blog post has focused on midges in their native environment. Certain midge species, however, may exist inside or find their way into your space from nearby areas including lakes or ponds. How long do no see ums live under such circumstances?
No see ums may live normally inside if they have access to whatever they need to survive (food, water, and heat). They tend to live for just 24 hours or less when their availability to these is limited or removed.
Other Questions People Ask About No See Ums
What Kills No See Ums?
Various chemicals on the market kill no see ums. Some homeowners use insecticides including bug sprays typically used for mosquitoes and other flying insects. You may also try CO2 traps.
What Is the Lifespan of a No See Um?
The lifespan of a no see um depends on various factors including temperature, natural predators, and other environmental factors. However, no see ums typically have a lifespan of 2 – 7 weeks.
Will No See Ums Go Away?
There’s no simple answer to the question, “will no see ums go away?” If you live close in proximity to a breeding site or stagnant body of shallow water, it’ll most likely be difficult for no see ums to go away.
Even if you fog the area, when the air clears, no see ums will regroup. Also, note that no see ums can travel 2-5km from their original site of occurrence. To protect yourself from no see ums, consider reading this article.
How Long Is the No See Ums Season?
The length of no see ums season is dependent on the area in question. In some tropical areas, no see ums seem to bite all year round.
However, they are most active at the start of spring, with activity slowing down in autumn. If you’re thinking about visiting Florida soon, consider learning about no see um activity there.
How Long Do No See Ums Live, Conclusion
As it’s difficult to determine the lifetime of a midge, “waiting out” as a way to deal with them isn’t a suitable option. To learn how to protect yourself from no see ums, check out this article.
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