No see ums (noseeums), also known as biting midges or sandflies, are tiny insects that belong to the Ceratopogonidae family. They are found…
Tag: no see ums
When dealing with a no see um situation, what is your first line of defense? What do you do to soothe the inflammation…
You may have no see ums in the house because you’re close in proximity to a breeding site. While male no see ums typically remain close to their emergence site after maturing from the larval stage, female biting midges tend to travel some kilometers away in search of a blood meal.
Your legs and arms are etched with tiny, red welts. The itching is so intense you could go crazy. The bites keep coming, but you can’t see the culprits to swat them. You’re afraid to be out in your garden, enjoying nature as you’d love to, and summer vacations are almost always ruined!
Are you looking to learn how to stop no see ums from biting you? This article outlines at least 11 no see ums prevention methods you can use.