How to Get Rid of Biting Midges

Image Credit: Shared from Kiddle Encyclopedia, under Attribution-ShareAlike license.
No see ums is the nickname given to biting midges. This label is fitting, as they are tiny, inconspicuous, and difficult to see blood-sucking flies.
Midges belong to the Chironomidae family are non-biting. Biting midges, however, belong to the family Ceratopogonidae, with over 6000 species globally. The most significant genus of biting midges within this family is Culicoides. Over 1400 Culicodies are identifiable, and at least 50 are carriers of nematodes, vectors, and protozoans.
If you’re wondering how to get rid of biting midges to escape their nasty, long-lasting bites and avoid becoming infected with a vector, worm, or protozoan, consider these tips.
How to Get Rid of Biting Midges
Biting midges are no more than 0.5 mm long, so your antennas should be on high alert when venturing into known (or unknown) infested areas. This is because they are difficult to see and, in most cases, make their presence known through their nasty bites.
Hence, it’s best to stay clear of beaches and mountainous regions on early mornings and late evenings. Biting midges aren’t afraid to bite during afternoon periods when the wind is calm, so always stay alert.
This isn’t a suggestion on how to get rid of biting midges but merely a prevention. If you must venture into their territory, take precautions. Let’s finally get into how to get rid of biting midges.
Insecticides Targeting Adult Biting Midges
This method of controlling adult biting midges is only effective once used when they are active. Applying insecticides do kill no see ums, but it’s not an efficient and cost-effective method.
This is because biting midges are constantly emerging from a larval stage. If you apply an insecticide today, you will get results and experience a decline in their populace for the day. However, as new larvae emerge, especially if you reside close to their habitat, the problem will persist.
If you’re hosting a backyard feast for the day, applying an insecticide is sufficient to allow you and your guests to party without annoyance. However, if you wish to benefit from a no see ums-free porch, applying the insecticide (such as fogging) daily is a must.
Daily application, however, isn’t healthy for the environment or your health.
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CO2 Traps
There are various commercial traps available, but odor-baited traps attract more biting midges than others. CO2 traps are used to lure biting midges to a location and trap them. Another chemical, 1-octen-3-0l is often used alongside CO2 lures to double its effect.
These traps vary in size, design, and area of coverage. If you’re thinking about using this method to get rid of biting midges, consider an option that suits the size of your property.
Dynatrap indoor insect traps (also suited for outdoors) is an effective device to deploy outside to lure and get rid of biting midges.
Eliminate Breeding Sites
The larvae of punkies (another name for biting midges) cannot survive in flowing water. It must be stagnant. This makes ponds, salt marshes, and lakes ideal breeding locations. You might not live close to a body of water but consider areas in your yard that need adjusting.
Do you have water lying around at home for months? Are there any open containers with water that no see ums can breed in? The same procedures you’d take to remove breeding sites for mosquitoes can be used to reduce biting midge’s populace.
Get rid of open water areas. Biting midges cannot breed when it’s dry. Also, consider removing the shade from moist areas under trees.
Use a Personal Repellent
This is hands down the best defense against biting midges. You may not be able to destroy their habitat or attack them at the larval stage, but you can arm yourself.
When you use a repellent, biting midges will stay clear. To date, the most effective repellent against biting midges is made using DEET. However, as other avenues are explored, natural-based solutions are discovered, although not as effective and long-lasting as DEET.

Repel HG-94108 100 Insect Repellent, Pump Spray, 4-Fluid Ounce. Offers long-lasting protection against biting midges. Protection goes up to 10 hours.
This repellent is ideal for heavily-infested areas. Contains up to 98.11% DEET.
Did you know that research suggests that Avon Skin So Soft may be used as an effective repellent against no see ums and biting midges? Learn more by reading the article.
Clothing Repellents
Ramp up your defense against biting midges by using repellents specifically designed for use on clothing. This is ideal if you’re an avid hiker or camper. As you engage in outdoor activities you love, your clothing is protected, and biting midges can’t get to your skin.
Your clothing is your first line of defense, and if biting midges can’t latch on, they won’t be able to bite.
You may also choose to spray camping equipment with these types of repellents.
Remember, there’s no fool-proof, magic trick to get rid of no see ums. These suggestions on how to get rid of biting midges are merely given as a guide so that you are aware of what’s available for use.
In some cases, you may need to use a combination of factors to get rid of no see ums. Use personal repellents when traveling in infested areas and CO2 traps at home. Insecticides such as insect foggers work, but these require consistent, regular use to keep no see ums away. This is the most expensive option.
Did you know that citronella candles may be used to keep biting midges at bay? Learn more about what candles can be used by reading this article.
Carefully evaluate your situation to determine what method on how to get rid of biting midges are best suited for you. If you’re plagued at home and can’t afford to move, you’ll have a long, hard fight to put up with, but you can regain your peace of mind. Don’t give up.
For information on how to treat no see um bites, consider reading this article.
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